USTA Tennis at home tip
Try my USTA tennis at home tip. The "Steffi Graf footwork drill" She was my favorite tennis player growing up. An amazing athlete with...
Harper for Kids reading "Pyramid of Success" with Bayclub tennis pro's
A book reading for Harper for kids with the tennis pros at Bayclub. Harper for Kids is a character based Education program based on...
My first lesson in a couple weeks
He is very eager & is always watching the ball. His first step is extremely explosive & he has excellent athleticism. I might see if he...
Do you want to play some tennis?
Do you want to play some tennis?
Reflex volley practice during a snowball fight
Working on my reflex volleys with a snowball fight.
Plank challenge with a doggie
Trying to take on the plank challenge with my doggie. Get into a plank position & throw the ball up & catch. How many can you do?
Tennis Trick shot - Ball attached to strings
Who can do this one? It's a fun trick keeping the ball attached to your strings.
Tennis specific fitness exercises
Try these two tennis specific exercises. All you need is a ball. As you can see they are harder than they look. Fun additions to your...